24 June, 2008


Let me introduce myself to you in this first posting.

I am from England but now I am teaching English in Malaysia, a country that I find fascinating. I love the hot weather, blue skies and thunderstorms (and I still talk about the weather like a true Englishman!) Malaysia has some delicious food, I particularly enjoy the range of fruit. You cannot find the same fruit in England and the bananas are so much more tasty. I also enjoy the various types of curry, which might surprise you. Many people I meet are surprised that someone from England likes spicy food, but in England, these days, the most popular dish for many people is a curry. Almost every town has an Indian restaurant and I used to eat curries in these restaurants and cook curries myself. (Now I am talking about food like a Malaysian, so I have adapted a bit!)

When I was at school I had to learn the French language but I did not do very well. Later I visited Bolivia (in South America), where I had to use Spanish to speak to people. I discovered that language learning can be fun when you use the language. I have taken courses in the Malay language and I am still trying to become more fluent. The most important thing that I need to do to improve my language is to find someone to practise with, and to get into a good routine of language learning activities.

Now let’s move on to my likes and dislikes. Some of my favourite films are Lord of the Rings and Star Wars but I also enjoy films that make you think. I am watching “24” on DVD and I am thinking of getting into “Heroes” but I keep forgetting to record it!

As for music, I like listening to U2 and Sting but I also enjoy some jazz music, and worship music.

I hate cigarette smoke, rubbish at the side of the road and losing things. I love watching films, reading novels, sitting by the sea, gardening, eating special meals with my wife, playing games with my children and exercising. But I have not done much exercise for a while. I used to do a lot of fencing (sword fighting), I like swimming and sailing and going to the gym but I have not had a good routine of exercise for a long time.

All good writing needs a conclusion, so for my conclusion I will let you in on a secret. I never used to enjoy writing at school and I still try to avoid it. However, I am beginning to learn the joy of producing a piece of writing that communicates well. In a world where we have to write a lot, particularly emails, it is a delight to find something well written. I think a blog is an effective way to improve writing ability and that is my reason for writing.


  1. Thank you Mr. Williams for the blog sharing. I used to call you Mr. Andrew because some of the lecturers introduced so, so I just thought that it will be your surname. I have had started my blog as well. It is fresh for me to study English with a Englishman, which seem like is the most effective way as well. By the way, it is my blog address:


    I think Mr. Williams might know who I am even without any description in details after looking at the title of the blog right?

    Finally, even a comment needs a conclusion isn't it? So, God Bless and nice to meet you, Mr.Williams!

    ~Heaven in Our Heart~

  2. Thank u Mr.Williams, u are really a good teacher, lecturer! ur teaching style is totally different frm others. i like the way u teach us... we are very enjoy to be ur students...Thanks again...

    Sometimes, i saw u, Mr.Williams at outside of our class,but my friends and i had a same impression, we are not dare and shy to greet u, bcox most of the time we greeted u, but u didn't give any respond. That is y i used to avoid to walk in front u... hehe..

    Lastly,thank u, Mr Williams, for trigger me, and let me love english much....

    (Sorry, I'm not good in English, pls forgive me if i did any mistake in this comment. Hehe...)

  3. I am sorry Mr.Williams..
    I also called you Mr.Andrew before this because other also called you that.But after you being my own lecturer that teach me,I understand now..

    (this is my blog link www/aisyahmaria.blogspot.com )

  4. greetings and salam mesra Mr.William. what you had wrote really interesting. you had travelled so for until reached here in malaysia, well i loved travel too...i would like to have your e-mail please. thank you

    my e-mail:

  5. hello Mr. william..I just want to thak you for teaching me English during this semester...I really appreciate whatever you teach because I learn so many new things especially regarding grammars and pronounciation...Thanks Mr. William...
